These are the essential add-ons to be implemented by all startups, the most common type of web hosting of startups are usually be shared in terms to reduce the cost incurred on web hosting, this may be one of the major drawbacks for all startups. Sharing the hosting platform may give you limited resources and limited traffic to your sites which are hosted by your shared platform, hence it is advisable to host your sites individually and also must follow these additional add-ons while hosting your websites.
To maintain and manage technical interruption between you and your success these 6 flexible addons implementation is an essential requirement.
1.Rapid loading time on peek hours
- Speed during peak hours may be directing affect your revenue generation and traffic generation to your challenging websites, the rapid loading time will be one of the challenging tasks as wella best key factor to be followed by all startups. its been a best practice among all marketers to plan a special activities during festive seasons and occasion to bring in a big bang among revenue generation, mostly all end-users or the customer being the king or queen , create a wishlist for any occasions beforehand if the loading time of any challenging website must be drastically proven rapid to overcome unsatisfaction among any king or the queen of your site.
- Addons must not only be a part of your site during the festive season but also needs to be followed in any normal days. A shared server may cause speed issues as the server resources such as RAM and CPU which are distributed among different sites. But with a VPS or a dedicated server, you get dedicated RAM to process and inculcate the best loading time during all possible peak hours.
2.Immediate traffic spike
- Traffic is one of the basic requirement and a dream of many marketers, when it comes to any startups they must be challenging and competitive among there markets, A shared web hosting plan may lead to less traffic to your websites making you unhappy and worrisome.
- Increased traffic on your website is certainly the reason for you to be happy, but in case of shared hosting plan visitors to your sites may reduce and traffic may decline drastically producing a maximum 10000 traffic per day.
3.Custom needs
- Web hoster must think about customizing option beforehand, is your website customizable?
- Shared hosting server always provide a limited scope on customizing since it has a pre-installed set up on their server all websites hosted on these server cant be in a customizable form, hence it is advisable to host your sites on VPS or dedicated server which provides a better platform to install any apps at any point of time as well as to be provided with root-level control access.
4.Well designed privacy and security features
- Your data well protected? It’s being a major question among every individual in recent days. Shared hosting plans give a direct challenge to every startup “Is your data well protected?”, With shared hosting, there are higher chances of your website getting hacked.
- Your website traffic is relative with the necessity of advance security measure installations. More visitors to your websites lead to more business revenue, which leads to more online transactions and thus, the more chances of data getting stolen. Most of the VPS hosting plans have inbuilt security features that prevent your website from any web attackers. Hence it is advisable to have a dedicated hosting plan to ensure data security.
5.Surplus Downtime
- Downtime directly proportional to loss of revenue, it can be mathematically stated as below.
- Loss of revenue.
- Calculations may seem quite simple but play an important role in every business module, the more your website remains down, the more you will lose your visitors and ultimately revenue. The best website can have a downtime less than 1% to be denoted as the best e-commerce sites
6.Website suspension
- The website can be suspended by the web hosting provider under certain conditions as follows
- Irregularity in Bill payment
- When illegal activities conducted from your account
- When your site is infected
- Extending usage limits
- The marketer doesn’t want either your site to be penalized, if the traffic increases on your site.you need to upgrade your website to a higher package or change to a dedicated server for offers flexibility, unlimited bandwidth and scaling.
- Website hosted with a dedicated server is the heart of your business and to help run business activities smoothly and effectively hence make sure that your hosting plan is appropriate.
- All website needs a VPS Server or a dedicated server for effective growth and to challenge competition amongst their market, hence it is essential to switch to a dedicated server to gain traffic customizable power than any other web hosting solution, to ensure these above warnings not affecting your digital presence.it’s the right time to upgrade your hosting plan.