Computing in the cloud is a novel idea. Some companies have yet to make the transition from on-premises data warehouses to cloud-based ones. Some people’s scepticism stems, at least in part, from misconceptions about the technology. In this article, we separate truth from fiction by debunking 5 widespread myths about moving data to the cloud.
Migration to the cloud is expected to continue its upward trajectory in 2021. However, there are widespread false beliefs about cloud migration and cloud computing that prevent some businesses from even trying it out. So, let’s take a look at five of these myths that persist in today’s business world.
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Insecure Cloud Computing
This is one of the longest-standing misconceptions about cloud computing. If you’re considering moving some or all of your data storage to the cloud, know that the companies providing these services place a premium on keeping your information safe. It’s crucial to their survival, so ignoring it would be a huge mistake. When it comes to security, the cloud could even outperform your in-house system. A trusted cloud provider, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), will always encrypt data at rest and in transit. Decryption keys are only available to paying customer.
Moving to the cloud is a simple and fast process
Truth: moving to the cloud isn’t a simple or quick process. Moving to AWS without first developing a comprehensive cloud strategy is fraught with peril. Migrating to the cloud is a time-consuming and involved process. It takes a significant amount of time to lay a foundation that is cloud-ready, which is essential for a smooth migratio.
Due to the complexity involved, you will also require AWS cloud migration services and a thorough understanding of the procedure. Moving to the cloud efficiently calls for a set of guiding principles, a new technological architecture, and a rethinking of how things are done internally.
Migration to the cloud complicates auditing
The widespread belief that auditing cloud services is more difficult than auditing physical servers is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how each works. During inspections, physical servers can be seized and labeled. However, with the right tools, auditing cloud-based data is much simpler and more effective.
Many positions in the IT industry have been lost due to the rise of cloud computing
When a company makes the switch from a traditional server to AWS database services, the IT administrator’s position is not threatened. Typically, it changes the administrator’s function to that of a consultant and provider of technical solutions. Cloud services, such as AWS web hosting, help to secure data centres and manage networks, but businesses still need someone to oversee the logical approach taken.
If you’re looking to save money on data warehousing while also streamlining your operations, a move to the WS cloud may be the best option for you. As your AWS partner, Infinitive Host Networks knows what it takes to make a seamless cloud migration, and we work hard to make the process as painless as possible for you.
Cloud-based quick-analytics solutions suffer from an unfavourable cost/performance ratio
AWS and other cloud computing platforms are well-suited to hosting HPC and big data analytics. With the cloud computing architecture, you can choose between high performance at a high cost or low performance at a low cost by running the cloud on object-based S3. Cloud service providers almost face an obstacle when trying to merge the two. Users would rather spend less money without sacrificing quality, but this is almost never the case. In light of this unfavourable cost-to-performance ratio, many companies are hesitant to make the move to the cloud.
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That’s why the most successful cloud adopters are the ones that have already faced and conquered these myths.